Club Local Rules

The Adeje golf society plays under the R&A rules of golf with the exception to the following local rules.
Where relief is required on the course, the player must agree with other group members before moving the ball.
Failure to follow these rules will result in disciplinary action being taken.
Irrigation pipes
Full relief must be taken from all irrigation pipes as below.
In General play areas.
Without penalty, stance and one club length, no nearer the hole, ball must be dropped knee height.
In Red staked areas.
If your ball is up against or you are going to hit the irrigation pipe with your club, relief must be taken outside the staked area, two club lengths from where it crossed the staked area. One shot penalty.
3rd hole
The area to the left of the 3rd hole is no longer out of bounds.
If your ball goes into the blue staked area, free relief must be taken from the closest mat to where your ball entered.
The ditch and path is a free drop area. Full relief and within one club length no nearer the hole.
10th hole
To speed up play, when playing the 10 Hole a penalty drop from the red stake area can be taken 90 degrees from where the ball comes to rest.
Free relief must be taken from all walls, swing and within one club length, without penalty
With the exception of boundary walls.
Free relief can be taken from all tree roots, stance and within one club length, no nearer the hole.
Tarmac and buggy paths
Free relief can be taken from all man made paths without penalty.
Picon paths are part of the course and relief cannot be taken.
Stones and picón area
All stones on the course can be removed without penalty.
A ball coming to rest up against the edge of the grass and picon area can be lifted and dropped no nearer the hole and still on the picón, nearest point of relief and within one club length.